Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You want hashish?

We arrived today in the beautiful moutainside town of Chefchaouen. I dont use the word "beautiful" lightly, it is nestled in the foothills of of soaring peaks and the old medina is painted in shades of blue and white with red roof tiles, and narrow cobbled streets making it feel part Spanish, part Greek but still very Moroccan.

On the subject of Spanish, this place seems to be a haven for young Spanish stoners. Since arriving this afternoon I have almost constantly been offered "kif" - the Moroccan word for dope. I think most of the Spanish tourists here are high and I suspect half of the locals too; definitely the guy running our hotel, who does everything in slow motion.

We only have a few more days left in Morocco before we go to Cairo. Fes was fantastic; though we struggled with some of the cultural differences.

Larna went to a local Turkish "Hammam" for a massage and a body scrub, something they are famous for in Morocco. She came back practically glowing as they use these rough gloves to scrape away your dead skin. She was taken by Fatimah, the wife of the guy who owned the house we were staying in, who we thought was going there herself. To cut a long story short; in return for taking Larna, waiting an hour for her and organising the treatment she expected a small "present". We assumed a small tip so we gave her some money. She would not take it; she wanted an actual gift. We bought her a scarf in the market and when Larna gave it to her Fatimah acted like it was a wonderful surprise, as if Larna had come up with the idea of a gift in the first place! Very odd.

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