Friday, June 4, 2010

It's finally stopped raining in Prage

Just a really quick post so please excuse/correct any spelling errors...we are in glorious Prague where it finally stopped raining today. Yesterday was cold, windy and raining so we did what all hardy backpackers do and went to the movies! Snug in our plush seats with popcorn close at hand, we watched Iron Man 2. Have to say I enjoyed it, though completely over the top. The annoying thing was that while it was in the original English with Czech subtitles, any bits in Russian (Mickey Rourke's character is Russian) where translated into Czech, so we missed out on understanding those bits.

Today we did a walk through the old town, across the Charles IV bridge, had the obligatory meat and bread dumplings for lunch and wandered through the old Jewish quarter to the old town square (which has the famous astronomical clock, judged the most overrated tourist attraction in Europe).

So having visited two jewish quarters (Krakow and Prague), I asked Larna, does that mean we have seen a half? Ok, maybe a lame joke...

We are here to at least Sunday - we are staying in a little pensione the second to last stop on the red line so its quite far out of town, but nice and quiet and we have a TV - and plan to go visit the church made out of bones tomorrow in Kutna Hora (some guy apparently got creative with 40,000 human bones from a nearby crypt. Hey its probably cheaper than wood!)

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